Training a child
Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You are literally in charge of raising a human being and making sure they live out the life God intended them to live. Eventually, the child will grow up, mature and make their own decisions. When they reach that point, it will be difficult to instruct them in the ways of the Lord, because the child wants to find their own way.
To train a child is to dedicate your time and effort to him or her. If a child is initiated in an appropriate manner, they will grow up being wise and mature. Parents have a responsibility to bring up their child in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. When you become a parent, or if you are a parent right now, you have to sacrifice your time and energy for the sake of raising a godly person. If they listen to instructions that please God, they will have a prosperous spiritual future.
Not everyone is a parent, or will never be a parent, but everyone is a child of someone. You have to come from somewhere right? Well as a child, this pertains to you, too. If you read this passage, you’ll understand what your parents went through during your earlier years. It will help you respect them more knowing the fact that they fed you, changed your diapers and taught you the difference between right and wrong. Just like parents give life to their children, God gives life both physically and spiritually.
This week, pray about how you can be a godly parent to your child. If you are not a parent, pray about how you can give honor to your parents in a godly way. Let the loving relationship between parent and child guide you in your walk with Christ so you can have a personal relationship with Him.