Seeking the Lord
Proverbs 28:5 (ESV)
Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all.
What makes Christianity different from all other religions is that we don’t have to work our way up to God. God has already worked His way down to us. He did that through His son Jesus Christ by dying on the cross and paying for our sins. However, just because God has already sought us out doesn’t mean we just hang back and let Him take care of all our problems for us. We can’t be lazy Christians, which is what this proverb is talking about.
To seek the Lord is to consult Him for wisdom and knowledge. It also means to pursue a relationship with Him. We must seek God out instead of letting Him come to us. Only then will we be above our enemies as far as knowledge and wisdom. God has already come to us, so it is our job to accept His love and gift of salvation. So what should we do with this gift? We’re supposed to share it of course! That’s seeking out the Lord and doing His will.
We must seek out God in all of our endeavors. Making Him a priority in our lives will help us gain wisdom and understanding. Our relationship with Him has to be genuine and thoughtful. Our relationship with God shouldn’t be a one-way deal where God is seeking us out and we’re sitting back without response. God has called out to us, so our response should be out of love for Him.
Christianity is not a works-based religion, but at the same time, God has convicted us through the Holy Spirit to use our spiritual gifts and share our gift of salvation with others. We must actively pursue God and desire in His works. We should take pleasure in the fact that He loves us and wants the best for us. We should do the same with those around us, which will make for a healthy relationship with our Heavenly Father.
This week, pray about how you can seek the Lord. Allow His presence to strengthen you in wisdom and understanding.