Without saying a word
“For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.”
Psalm 139:4 (ESV)
Do you always feel like you have something you want to say, but don’t know how to express it? It can be frustrating when you can’t think of the words you want to speak to someone else. However, it is rewarding to know that God can understand you even when you can’t even understand yourself.
God’s attributes are not restricted to human senses. He can hear us without us saying anything. He knows what’s in our hearts, even when we feel lost. God’s, who is all-present and all-knowing, should make us feel safe and secure. He always knows what’s best for us. He always knows what we’re thinking about.
God knows everything about us from the trivial to the significant. He can search out the hidden thoughts in our mind. There are some things we don’t want to share with the world, because we’re afraid of judgment and distrust. We don’t want to be vulnerable, because it gives others a chance to hurt us even further.
With God, we can be comfortable in His love, because of HIS grace. The Lord wants to help us show THAT grace to those around us. He knows our true intentions. When we’re scared of sharing our deepest and darkest secrets, we can share them with God. Only He can give us that true source of relief and satisfaction.
God is not distant from us. His love for us is more vast than anything in His creation. He still wants a unique, personal relationship with us. Communication is a part of a trusting relationship. With God, we can rest assured that He can be there for us. He genuinely cares about us.
The Lord can help keep us from committing secret sins and having evil thoughts. We have to let Him into our hearts so that He can change us from the inside out. All we have to do is believe in Him and commit our lives to our loving Savior.
This week, pray about how you want to speak to God, even when you can’t find the right words to say. Reach out to Him and let Him know that you love Him, too.