Offering sacrificial thanksgiving
The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies Me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!”
Psalm 50:23 (ESV)
This time of year, we tend to think of things we are thankful for more than we do at any other point of the year. We show how much we appreciate what we have, whether it’s a lot or a little. It may be for a roof over our heads, family, friends, a good job, etc.
However, we often don’t think of these blessings at any other part of the year unless we lose them. We don’t think about how amazing our jobs are until it’s gone, for example.
One thing that David points out in this verse is that giving thanks glorifies God. It’s not just something we do when we feel good about what we have. When we thank God for the blessings He’s given us, God is glorified.
This verse even parallels giving thanks to someone ordering His way rightly. So thanksgiving isn’t just glorifying to God, it also shows the salvation of God to the world! We often talk about how much our actions and attitudes can show the love of God to others.
How about our thanksgiving? How often do we point people to God when we get a new job, succeed, get married, meet a new friend, buy a new house, etc. It doesn’t even have to be that big. How often do we simply thank God for giving us life or for the nature around us that we so often take for granted? We have breath in our lungs because of God. When was the last time we thanked God for air?
It all boils down to this: giving thanks for the blessings and gifts of God glorifies Him and points people to Him. It is a way of us worshipping God and sharing His love with those around us.
This week, think about what you can do to be more thankful throughout the year. That way, we can glorify God and share his love all year round!