Steady steps lead to righteousness
Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.
Psalm 119:133 (ESV)
As a follower of Jesus, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it should be no small wonder about today’s societal environment of beliefs, customs, practices, and behaviors presenting an opportunity to enter into a variety of sinful pleasures that are contrary to a good Christian life. With our technologies of TV, PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, we can get involved with anything the world has to offer in a matter of seconds. And faster than our technology is our mind which can run us even faster into sin.
So, what can we do? How can we protect ourselves from the lures of the devil wanting to find ways to take us on a path of despair that separates us from our God?
The answer is staying close to Jesus through earnest prayer, Bible study, participation in a small, Christian accountability group and by attending church regularly. As a follower of Christ, these are the disciplines that give you the “Armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18) you need to strive as a Christian in today’s world.
By these disciplines you can find Christian fellowship, safety, assurance and restoration of spirit. Those things can help us continue to grow and stand firm in our faith. Our Lord and Savior Jesus has given us this promise in John 6:37, that whoever comes to Him, He will never drive away.
How about starting off your day in God’s word and with prayer? Psalm 119:133 essentially says this and it can be your prayer today. If you need help in your Christian walk, reach out to your Christian friends. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, now is the time to invite Him into your heart and enjoy the benefits of life.
This week, ask the Lord to order your steps in His Holy Word and for Him to be your guide today. You can also ask God to wash your heart in His Holy Word.