Encourage one another
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Sometimes small talk can turn into an uplifting conversation if you let it. When someone asks, “How are you doing?” Instead of saying “Good,” or “Fine,” you can tell them how you really feel. You’ll be surprised at how far the conversation can go.
In this life, we will feel overwhelmed or burdened at one point or another. Something else gets added to the pile daily, whether it’s stress, relationships, financial struggles, or any other kind of hardship you might come across. It’s important to know that we have to take care of one another and bear each other’s burdens.
The enemy is prowling around like a roaring lion who is seeking to devour us at every opportunity. The devil is trying to dig his claws into us and drag us away from the joy and happiness we have in Christ. We have to rely on each other as Christians to believe in that hope and trust in the strength of God.
Conversations with friends should be meaningful. They shouldn’t be too short or jump around the main issue. You cannot keep all your troubles and burdens bottled up inside you. The Bible encourages us to reach out to help others in need and edify them.
All it takes is one word of encouragement to lighten up someone’s day. We just need to take the time to stay and talk for a while. Sometimes people are good at hiding the fact that they need encouragement. It is up to us as Christians to show them the love of Christ and point them in the direction of hope.
This week, think about someone you need to reach out to that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Encourage them by telling them about the love of Christ and how he is here for them in their time of need. Pray together for peace and understanding.