What Is Most Important?
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4 (ESV)
What is the most important thing to you? Most people will list things that involve the best of this life. This is to be expected because most of us have a desire to focus on the life we have right now. Having a desire for success, good health, and wealth is normal and natural. Even among Christians, there is a strong desire to live under the full blessing of God, rich with all the good pleasures of life. What is wrong with that?
For those with a worldview, there is nothing wrong with seeking to have the best in life. But what should be the view for those who are Christians? What should be most important?
In this passage, God reveals that those who are in Christ should be more concerned about the life that awaits in heaven and what is most important to Him. To experience real joy is to have Christ as our focus.
What God desires most from His children is to have fellowship with Him. Any blessings we receive from God should not be viewed as a reward, but rather as an undeserved gift freely given in accordance with His will. Gifts from God should not be selfishly sought after, but gratefully received with thankfulness.
When surrounded by materialism, it is easy to set our minds on the temporary pleasures of this life without much thought for the eternal life that God has prepared for His own people. Since we will all stand before God someday, knowing our eternal future should be what is most important to us. Eternal life with God can be secured right now.
It begins the moment we yield to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit that reveals our true condition. Only God can change our eternal separation from Him and only the finished work of Jesus the eternal Son of God can give us eternal life in heaven.
This week, if you have never given your life to Jesus, now is the best time to receive Him by faith. If you are a child of God, desire Christ to be what is most important.