God has our back
“When I thought, ‘My foot slips,’ Your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.”
Psalm 94:18-19 (ESV)
We all like it when things are normal and we can become very comfortable in those times. We like the feeling we get when there is not anything to worry about. Normalcy is a great word to embellish our minds upon. But what happens when your normal gets turned upside-down? Do you feel in these times you are falling into despair and eventually having to deal with a “new normal?” Do you feel as though everything is out of control and cannot do a thing about it?
As Christians, it is important we don’t get caught up in worry. We must maintain our focus on God and how much He cares for each one of us no matter our situation. We have a resource available to help us stay stable in these times of instability. It is called prayer and the reading of the Holy Scriptures.
In verse 18 of Psalm 94, King David felt as though he had no ground to stand on. He’s thinking that everything is over for him and falling into ruin and destruction. However, we see David responding with confidence in the Lord is something we Christians have available and can count on each and every day.
David then expresses in verse 19 the feeling of his heart as being filled with various and perplexing thoughts and tormented with cares and fears about his future. To overcome his fears, David draws upon the promises of God contained in His Word. He remembers his former experience of God’s care and kindness to him. God affords him consolation. This revives David’s troubled mind.
When we are troubled, let us remember we have a God who loves us and cares for us at all times. He will listen as we pray and He will answer according to His will. Without God, we can only rely on our own strength, which isn’t enough. David praised God and credited Him for helping him. God gives us the strength we need. If God can deliver David from lions, bears, and a giant, think of the many miracles He can perform for you.
This week, pray about how you can rely on God to get you through the troubles of your daily life. Ask Him to be with you every step of the way, so you can have the strength to face your battles.