
Posted by   Grace Ministries   |   Categories :   Devotionals

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

Let’s take a moment and think about that word delight.  When you delight in someone you desire to be with that person. There is a special closeness, an intimate relationship, or a dear friendship. You genuinely love to be with the one that you delight in.  Can we say that we truly Delight ourselves in the Lord? If not, how can we? Jesus gives us the answer:

If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

John 15:7

When we spend time in God’s Word, reading, studying, meditating, and memorizing we are fulfilling “my words remain in you.”  But what does Jesus mean to remain in Him?  Jesus reaches right for our hearts and speaks of a personal relationship.  What is our heart, our motivation, our attitude toward the time we spend in God’s Word? If it is done out of a sense of duty, obligation, or even what is essential, we miss the message of Jesus. Our time in God’s Word is an opportunity for our Heavenly Father to speak to His beloved child. When we focus on God’s love for us, His goodness to us, His care and provision, as we are in His Word His Spirit speaks to us. As with any relationship, the more time we spend with our Heavenly Father, the stronger our relationship grows. God’s love reaches down and infuses our own hearts, and produces the desire to delight in the Lord. So today let’s not focus on ourselves, but on the One who is worthy of all praise.  God delights in us and gives us what we need to delight in Him.

October 25, 2021