Sharing your faith in love
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13 (ESV)
We’ve all heard the trifecta of faith, family, and friends, where we place faith as the most important thing in our life. In 1 Corinthians Chapter 13, Paul places love ahead of faith.
Paul is not saying that faith is not important or inferior to love, he is saying that our faith must be accompanied by love.
It is quite possible to share your faith in an unloving way and therefore cause the person you are sharing with to reject your faith. If the other person considers you to be arrogant or unloving, he or she will reject your faith.
We can be guilty of sharing our faith in an arrogant and unloving way. Relationships with friends and family members can fall apart because of how we talk to others about Christ. It is only through the love of Jesus Christ that these relationships can be restored. We have to be careful about how we share that type of grace with others.
Faith is essential if you are to enter the kingdom of God, however, when it comes to sharing your faith, it must be tempered with love. Don’t try to force something that isn’t there. Rely on God for His perfect will and timing on how to demonstrate the gospel to others.
This week, pray about who you want to share the gospel with. Make sure you do so in a loving, kind, and gentle manner so others can see the love of Christ in you.