God is love
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
1 Corinthians 13:7
1 Corinthians chapter 13 is an image of love that God has given us that describes his love for us and how he loves you. As we look at this passage, we see all types of love and aspects of God’s character and attributes. God has truly loved us from before we existed. He desired a relationship with us and gave us the freedom to have that relationship.
Each part of this scripture talks about a different characteristic of love. God has patience for each one of us. He never gives up on us. He always gives us hope and ensures in every circumstance there is a way out.
God’s love paints a picture of kindness and patience. He rejoices each time we come to him or when we follow this scripture in a way that he has directed us. Ultimately, we see his patience even when we fail. His response is to love us. His plan never fails and our relationship with him is one of constant love.
Even when we failed in the beginning, he had a plan that was perfect. He explained the plan through his Word so we could continue to have a relationship with him. He provides a way to restore our relationship with God through Christ. He is with us during our everyday circumstances.
When trials and tribulations happen, his love for us will protect us, give us a sanctuary, and work for His glory. Many times he allows us to see this, but not always. God’s love is so great that we read in John 3:16 about the sacrifice he has given us. Many times we have to rely on him whenever there is tragedy or conflicts in everyday life.
We must remember God is in control and he has a good plan for us. Sometimes we don’t see his love healing us right away. It takes time, like having patience. We must walk through these times with trust in God knowing that this is one of those times when we look to him and he will give us the strength and the ability to make it through that circumstance. That’s how love endures all things.
We see many examples in the Bible of adversity like Job, David, and Paul. Every time, there is trust in God to show us how to tackle these situations. If he can do it for them, he can certainly do it for us. His love never fails and never ends.
This week, remember how much God loves you and show that same love to others. Look at verses in the Bible about God’s love and apply them to your life.