Pursuing Peace with Others
Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14
Throughout life, we are confronted with interpersonal tensions that vary from the inconvenient to the violent. These tensions can be caused by us or by others. Either way, we often find ourselves feeding into that tension either willingly or unconsciously. Peace with the people we are in conflict with can often seem so far away in those times.
Peace is something that does not come naturally to our sinful nature. Rather, we are often pushed to a selfish desire to be “right” or to “win.” However, the writer of Hebrews encourages us to strive for peace. But what does it look like to strive for peace? First, we are exhorted to seek for the holiness of God without which we will not see the Lord. This does not mean that we must earn salvation or that any act of man may coerce God into providing salvation. Rather, when we are saved, we strive towards obedience to the will of God. It is through this obedience to the will and commands of God that we find peace with Him in our lives.
As we work towards this, we will begin to find peace with those around us. This is because the commands of God include forgiving one another, loving our enemies, seeking for unity with the children of God, and caring for those in need. We are called to see others as more important than ourselves regardless of our opinion or experience with that person. If we are in obedience to the will and commands of our God, then we will love even the worst offenders. Christ died to save the worst sinners in this world. If we refuse to love that same person, then we hold ourselves to be greater than the most Holy God.
This doesn’t mean that it will be easy. However, if Christ is willing to come to earth and die on the cross for us, then peace with those around us is something we must look to achieve. Striving for peace with God means striving for peace with those around us.
This week, if you have never known peace with God or with those around you, reach out to Christ as he will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding. If you do know Christ, let’s strive with each other to find peace with those around us as we find peace with God.