Grace Ministries joins groups of faith around the world responding to the COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic. In these times of trials, we remain eternally committed to serving God and sharing God’s Word with trust in God’s love for us all.
We pray for God’s deliverance through the pandemic and recovery for all his creation. We pray that faith and trust in God is strengthened through this trial.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

We give thanks for all those serving and protecting us always, and especially in these troubling times. Let’s show them our gratitude by flying our American flags. Starting this Sunday, April 5th and beyond, please fly an American flag on your property, visible to the street.
Stay Connected!
Keep up to date on our Weekly Devotionals.
Though we are unable to meet in person our Bible study groups are being conducted by video conference using Zoom, and we have started new studies through Zoom video conferencing.
Questions and Inviting Others to a Study
If you have any issues connecting or want to invite others to join a group meeting, Contact Us!
We encourage you to invite others to join our groups, and please introduce new participants to your group. The list of studies is available on our calendar.
How to Join a Bible Study Gathering
When you receive an invitation to join a study, it includes a link to connect through your computer or another device using video capabilities.
Also included is an option to join a group through a phone call without using video. The invitation includes a link and phone numbers. Call any of the numbers. Invitations also have a “One tap mobile” number that will automatically enter the meeting ID for you. It will call the number and enter the meeting code for you. Otherwise, you will need to enter the meeting ID included in the invitation.
Online Donations
Grace Ministries USA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, non-denominational Christian organization dedicated to strengthening the faith of those who trust in Jesus Christ and to building relationships with those who are seeking to learn more about Christ, His teachings, and His significance to our lives.
We are known for building meaningful relationships, one-on-one, and through small groups. Small group approaches help us walk together through the Bible searching for answers to our lives—answers that provide meaning, purpose, fulfillment, peace, and hope to our individual lives.
Grace Ministries is continuing to serve others through chaplaincy to businesses, supplying local food pantries, food and prescription delivery to shut-ins, keeping constant communication with neighbors, etc. through phone calls and cards and meeting the needs of others were ever we can.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider making a monthly, annual, or one-time donation. We cannot enlarge our ministry reach without your financial support! Even if a monthly financial commitment is “small” in your eyes, all commitments are huge to us and add up to substantial, reliable support!
To “Make a Difference” and support Grace Ministries USA hit that Donate button on the right.